Wordpress Authentication Plugin - Login by BindID - Transmit Security

Transform your WordPress website
experiences with easy passwordless logins.

Effortless login, implementation and ultimate experience
for you and your users with Login by BindID.

Passwordless authentication in just 3 easy steps

Enable your users with the industry-standard biometric authentication by integrating FIDO-based biometrics and OpenID Connect (OIDC) into your web apps and services.

Passwordless for Wordpress - cursor

Easy to implement

Instantly transform your website authentication experience with a one-click installation solution.
Passwordless for Wordpress - money

Time and cost efficient

By eliminating the need to build your own security and authentication features you save on precious resources and costs.
Passwordless for Wordpress - secure by design

Fully secure

Ensure total peace of mind against all password-related attacks.

User-friendly login experiences

Give your users the ultimate WordPress passwordless
authentication experience with the Login by BindID plugin

Wordpress Authentication Plugin