The 4-day Identiverse event summons the brightest minds in identity and security to gather and share today’s and tomorrow’s best practices, technologies and tools. With over 200 information-rich sessions, master classes and workshops on the latest technologies and industry trends, Identiverse allows you to meet with industry experts and sharpen your skills.
People, applications and devices are gravitating toward a digital world where they all recognize and interact with each other. This digital world is being built on a foundation of identity security designed by a community of people with a shared vision.
As the Identity Experience company and a proud part of that community, we’re speakers and sponsors of Identiverse 2021. Some of the highlights of Transmit Security you can look forward to at the event include:
- Transmit Security’s VP Solutions Engineering and Technical Services, Craig Currim will lead a masterclass, “No Passwords. No App. No Problem. Delivering on the Promise of FIDO,” which will uncover both the power and limitations of FIDO. Plus, how Transmit Security’s latest breakthrough overcomes these challenges to create a new class of reliable, consistent and convenient passwordless authentication for your users.
- An opportunity to come say hi to us in person. Get to know the Transmit Security team and find out how we’re transforming authentication with seamless online Identity Experiences.
The best part? You can join us at Identiverse June 21-23, 2021 in Denver, CO, USA or virtually.