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IDeas Webinar: Who is Gen Z and How Are They Driving Companies to Go Passwordless?

News flash: Millennials are turning 40, which means Gen Z is officially stepping into the spotlight under the glare of analysis. Our eternal fascination with young, freshly-minted adults is deeply rooted in history. Every generation-next arrives with fresh ideas, drives new trends and affects consumer spending. This is especially true for Gen Z, social media savvy and influencer obsessed. 

The problem is, in the digital realm, Gen Z is a difficult customer to engage and keep. We surveyed 600 Gen Z adults and discovered nearly 50% ditch a shopping cart if they’ve forgotten their passwords. Why are they so quick to split? To win their business and rave reviews, you need to know the answer. By 2031 their earnings are projected to surpass Millennials, so it’s a matter of business survival.

Join our webinar to find out what Gen Z wants and how to deliver. Transmit Security CEO and Co-founder Mickey Boodaei and Chief Marketing Officer Chris Pick will talk to a panel of Gen Zers to get a reality check. They’ll ask Gen Zers directly if their personal experiences line up with our survey results. You’ll step away with a clear picture of your newest customers, so you can impress Gen Z and gain their loyalty.

Gen Z brings high expectations

Gen Z and passwordless

Our Gen Z survey revealed this generation, having grown up with smartphones and touch screens, expects easy interactions and instant results — every time. If an ounce of friction slows them down, they’re quick to move on to find something better. They seem acutely aware of countless other options at their fingertips. 

Life-long habits of iGen

This tech-savvy generation also brings risky password habits and blind spots, which means companies need to secure their accounts for them. Gen Z seems to share deeply-entrenched behaviors, but don’t take our word for it. In this upcoming webinar, we’re asking our Gen Z panelists to tell us the harsh truth. 

Until then, we can only point to our survey, which showed Gen Z brings high expectations, higher security risk, and the highest drop off rates. A few survey stats they’ll discuss in the webinar:

  • 58% quit registration if it’s too complex
  • 1 out of 3 Gen Zers have more than one mobile phone
  • 68% use social logins — more than 2 out of 3 Gen Zers

Why are social logins problematic?

Social logins are problematic

“Gen Z’s use of social media logins really stands out to me,” explains our CEO Mickey Boodaei.  “Almost 70% of them login with Google, Facebook or Apple. We know hackers target those logins to gain access to an endless number of accounts. And if you’re a CISO or security administrator, adding those login options makes your authentication stack grow more complex and more expensive.” 

Gen Z will go passwordless — with or without you  

When you mention “passwordless” to Gen Zers, they’re thrilled with the concept before you can finish defining it. The reason is simple. They share a disdain for passwords and SMS one-time passcodes. Plus, they’ve used fingerprint and facial ID to unlock their mobiles for years. Their message to companies: “Get with the times!” 

Learn directly from our Gen Z guest panel:

  1. What they won’t tolerate and why 
  2. What types of digital experiences they prefer
  3. Why it’s essential to secure accounts for them
  4. What they think about passwordless authentication

This conversation will help you plan your next move.

Join our webinar Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, 11 am – 12 pm EST / 16:00 – 17:00 UT. 
