Going passwordless can catapult your business to new heights with an inviting, fluid identity experience. Millions of consumers have already gone passwordless, using fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock their devices. For these customers, having to use passwords to access accounts feels like a step back, a menacing reversal of the space-time continuum. Forgotten passwords cost companies 1/3 of all sales, and login credentials are targeted by 80% of all attacks. Shouldn’t we all move forward? Demand for faster and easier logins will only grow, with 1.3 billion devices expected to support biometrics by 2024.
How to go passwordless?

There are many variables to explore as you build a strategic initiative for passwordless customer authentication. You’ll want to assess different methods and compare solutions. What should passwordless look like for your company? Think of ways to transition customers and address challenges.
We’ll help you examine the issues in our next IDeas Webinar on June 15th with guest speaker IDC security analyst Jay Bretzmann along with Craig Curium, Transmit Security’s global VP of solution engineering. I predict a constructive debate. Jay and Craig don’t agree on every detail—so you’ll gain double the perspective and helpful insights from two security experts.
Jump ahead of the pack
IDC states, “Several public vendors are reporting that 40% of their revenues are associated with B2C [Customer Identity and Access Management] use cases. This will only grow.” Passwordless will soon be essential for companies to remain competitive.
Improving identity experiences is a top priority, given the massive ROI in terms of customer acquisition, retention and revenue. Businesses that don’t offer simpler and stronger authentication will struggle to keep pace with forward-thinking companies that make the switch earlier in the game.
Chart your path now
In our webinar Jay and Craig will discuss alternatives to passwords. What does it mean to be truly passwordless? And how do companies smooth the transition?
Join the conversation on June 15, 2021 at 11:00 am EST / 8 am PST / 4:00 pm GMT with our IDC guest. I’m confident the conversation will help you plan your next move.
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