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Here’s How Transmit Security Helped America’s Car-Mart Digitally Transform

For the last 40 years, America’s Car-Mart has held the spot as the largest integrated auto sales and finance used car dealership in the U.S. On top of their large inventory and over 150 dealerships across 12 states, they do all their own underwriting, credit risk analysis and financing. 

What was once a face-to-face transaction came to a screeching halt when the pandemic hit in early 2020 – opening up an opportunity to digitally transform the entire company to allow customers to shop inventory and make payments online. 

The challenge of moving from f2f to an omnichannel, hybrid business model 

As dealerships across the country closed due to COVID-19, America’s Car Mart was faced with an increased and time-sensitive demand for an online vehicle shopping experience and a self-driven relationship with finance companies. 

Providing a superior customer experience in-store was a quality on which America’s Car Mart prided themselves. Therefore, the pressure was on to deliver the same personalized experience on their new digital platforms. As a financier, they had to mitigate the risks of fraud and verify identities with a higher level of assurance, all without impacting the digital experience. 

As a result of this, America’s Car-Mart did not want to introduce an authentication service based on passwords due to their poor customer experience, lack of security and associated overhead.

Transmit Security Passwordless and MFA Services to meet the needs of every customer

America’s Car-Mart deployed Transmit Security’s Passwordless and MFA Services to their web channel to accelerate their CIAM strategy. Both new and existing customers can now easily create accounts, shop vehicle inventory and start the pre-approval for financing through the customer portal, reducing the risk of fraud and accelerating digital transformation objectives.

“Transmit Security’s Passwordless and Multi-Factor Authentication Services were simple to deploy, and it was the easiest technology implementation in our digital strategy.” – Brad Tomlin, Senior Director of Digital Technology

Explore the full case study to learn how Transmit Security Passwordless and MFA Services enabled America’s Car Mart to easily switch over to an omnichannel, hybrid business model that meets the needs of their diverse customer base.
