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Here’s How Switching from Push to Passwordless Revitalized a French Finance App

As former accountants, the founders of Regate, a French business-to-business finance and accounting application, set out to create a service that would make life easier for accountants by streamlining complex workflows from multiple disparate financial tools into an all-in-one financial platform. But their customer-first vision was complicated by the use of an authenticator app with push-based notifications that led to accessibility issues that were frustrating for end users. 

With a customer-first vision that puts a premium on its clients’ security and user experience, Regate chose Transmit Security to help them replace their authenticator app with strong biometric authentication — and reinvigorated their brand in the process. 

The trouble with authenticator apps 

Regate’s authenticator app was implemented to comply with the Payment Services Directive PSD2’s Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). Customers had to download the app and use it for each log in — adding friction to the login process and complicating access for those who don’t have their phone handy. 

In addition, the app relied on push-based notifications that weren’t always delivered to customers’ phones and often didn’t work properly after customers updated their devices. This resulted in a high volume of support calls that were frustrating for customers and costly for Regate — causing them to look for a more reliable, frictionless authentication solution that could maintain their strict security requirements. 

Simplifying user flows to boost retention and engagement

FIDO-based biometric authentication was a perfect fit for Regate, as it not only streamlined their customer experience, but provided superior security to their previous solution. 

The one-click authentication process proved to be extremely popular with customers, resulting in increased digital engagement and customer retention. Ninety percent of Regate’s customers are now enrolled in passwordless, and Regate has found that its passwordless users return to the platform more frequently than those who don’t.

Get the full case study to learn more about how Transmit Security’s Authentication Services helped Regate meet a wide range of product requirements and complete the process of migrating, integrating, and deploying the new solution in less than two months.


  • Rachel Kempf, Senior Technical Copywriter

    Rachel Kempf is a Senior Technical Copywriter at Transmit Security who works closely with the Product Management team to create highly technical, narratively compelling assets for customers and prospects. Prior to joining the team at Transmit Security, she worked as Senior Technical Copywriter and Editor-in-Chief for Azion Technologies, a global edge computing company, and wrote and edited blog posts and third-party research reports for Bizety, a research and consulting company in the CDN industry.

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