Transmit Security at H-ISAC

H-ISAC Spring Americas Summit

icon calendar small 3 - 5 May, 2022 | Orlando, FL
Craig Boswell
Solutions Engineer

Planning to attend H-ISAC Spring Americas Summit?  

We hope to see you there!  Swing by our booth, attend our speaking session or book a meeting with one of our onsite security experts. Learn how going passwordless can help keep your data secure, improve operational efficiency, all while providing a frictionless customer login experience.

While at our booth, be sure to grab snacks, swag, and take our passwordless initiative survey to win a pair of your very own customized Nike sneakers.

We hope to see you there!

Speaking Session

May 5, 11:25 AM-12:25 PM

Improving Patient Portal Adoption with Passwordless Logins
With more than 90% of healthcare providers offering patient portals, this resource is widely viewed as an indispensable tool for care and case management. However,  strong password requirements make it difficult for users to sign in, especially for those with cognitive disabilities, dyslexia, or physical impairments. To both improve portal adoption and patient account security, providers should employ passwordless authentication. In this session, you’ll learn how FIDO-based passwordless authentication works, why it’s more secure than most other MFA options, and why it’s easy to use for patients.

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