Transmit Security at Gartner IAM UK 2022

icon calendar small 12 - 13 May, 2022 | London, UK
Niv Goldenberg
VP of Products

Come tell us about your customer authentication problems and let us help. We’ll show you how to fully eliminate passwords — your greatest business risk. Our identity experts have fortified security and CX for the most demanding companies on the planet.

With BindID, your customers enjoy a passwordless omnichannel experience on any device — app-less. You’ll remove a barrier to entry and obstacles along the way — from account signups and logins to kiosks and customer service calls.

Stop by booth #202 for a personalized demo.


Speaking Session

Transmit Security: Fortify Security and Remove Customer Barriers with Passwordless

The goal of passwordless is to optimize security and customer experience. But there’s a passwordless paradox: most solutions don’t fully remove passwords and create a new set of barriers, making it difficult to switch devices or move across apps, sites and channels. Join this talk to hear how European Bank BRED worked with Transmit Security to improve accessibility for their new Keyring payment service designed for disabled adults. In 7 days, BRED began delivering password-free banking while decreasing fraud, costs and support call volume. And they did it with no app, no passwords anywhere.

Book a Meeting!